Lisa exiting the water after the swim portion of a triathlon- often the most nerve-wracking for runners!
We are always advocating the benefits of cross-training for runners; in addition to helping prevent injury, cross-training can fend off boredom and even improve performance. While the world of triathlon may seem intimidating to many runners, adding swimming and biking to your fitness routine is actually a fun way to mix up your running routine.
"Trying a tri" doesn't have to be a scary prospect- there are numerous local beginner-friendly triathlons of shorter distances ("sprint" distance triathlons typically have a 750 meter swim, 12 mile bike, 3.1 mile run; there are "super sprint" triathlons with shorter distances, as well). Some triathlons even have pool (vs. open water) swims and there are others that are female-only, catering to women who are first time triathlon participants.
One of the most popular and best-organized beginner-friendly, women-only triathlons is Iron Girl Columbia. Held in August in nearby Columbia, Maryland, the 2011 race sold out in just 6 hours but there are a few charity spots still available through Uniting Against Lung Cancer and Team Broderick, in honor of Coach Mike Broderick. Coach Broderick was a much-loved and renown local coach (often called the "coaches coach," he led our coaching certification course) who lost his battle with lung cancer in November. Race entries are pre-paid, and the fundraising requirement is $650- if you or anyone you know is interested in one of the spots, or in a spot in the equally popular (and sold out) Columbia Triathlon, contact Julie at jegossma@hotmail.com.
Get a taste of triathlon and an expert overview of all three triathlon disciplines at Fleet Feet Gaithersburg's upcoming Triathlon Seminar Series. The series is FREE and includes sessions on "Triathlon 101" (overview of the sport), Run Training Tips and Injury Prevention (we will be speaking at this session!), a Bike Clinic and Training Sports Nutrition, Swim Training and Transitions. Whether you are just thinking about adding biking and swimming to your exercise routine or you've already raced a triathlon, these free seminars will be a great way to get expert advice and ask questions. RSVP to each seminar by emailing robyn@fleetfeetgaithersburg.com or calling 301-926-6442.
Try something new this year- try a tri!
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