Saturday, February 25, 2012

Feed Your Body to RUN STRONG!

Chrissy Turpin, RD, of Nourish 2 Perform, speaks to our 10K/10-Miler group about eating well

We have been so impressed with the progress and dedication of our 10K/10-miler group runners! This morning we had groups running 3.5, 6 and 9 miles along the Millennium Trail in beautiful conditions. The 10-miler group in particular is becoming very well-acquainted with the dreaded "Tower Oaks hill," but we keep reminding everyone that hills make us stronger runners! Special thanks to Coaches Tish and Erin who joined us to help lead the groups along today's routes.

Our runners know that we are always reminding them about the role of good nutrition in both performance as well as recovery and injury prevention. After this morning's group run we were lucky enough to have the chance to hear from an expert about the importance of what we put into our bodies. Chrissy Turpin, a Registered Dietitian specializing in Sports Nutrition, owner of Nourish 2 Perform ( and an avid runner and cyclist herself joined us for bagels and our own personal favorite recovery "meal," lowfat chocolate milk, to answer all of our burning questions about what to eat, when to eat, and how to best fuel an active lifestyle.

Chrissy's takeaway message was the importance of making good food decisions in order to run strong- she emphasized the importance of eating when hungry and not depriving ourselves; instead, runners should be eating nutrient-rich meals and snacks several times a day (every 3.5-4 hours). Chrissy talked about the importance of complex carbohydrates, protein, iron, Omega 3, Calcium and Vitamin D in our diets and their role in recovery and performance. Our runners appreciated the practical suggestions for good, quality nutrition that is also convenient: nuts, fruits, yogurt, lowfat chocolate milk, natural peanut butter, etc. Chrissy also addressed how runners following vegetarian, gluten-free, and Paleo diets can modify those diets to make sure they are getting the complex carbohydrates and protein so important to running.

A HUGE "thank you" to Chrissy for bringing expert advice to our runners and reminding all of us about the importance of fueling our bodies to perform.

Runners enjoyed our favorite post-run recovery "meal"- lowfat chocolate milk!

Friday, February 17, 2012

Spring Friday Morning Program for Beginners!

Back by popular demand, we'll be kicking off our Spring Friday Morning Beginner group program on Friday, April 20! This low-key, 6-week program is for anyone who wants to experience the sense of accomplishment that comes with completing a 5K. If you can walk briskly for about 30 minutes, you can do this program that is based on progressively longer run intervals and shorter walk intervals, building up to a goal of running 5K (3.1 miles). Options are available for runners who are already running several miles at a time but who are looking to improve their speed at the 5K distance or take the next step and complete a 10K. The goal race is Jeremy's Run 5K/10K in Olney on Memorial Day, so there is an option for everyone (including those who want to jump in slowly with a 1-mile fun run!)

Join a supportive (and fun!) group of aspiring runners for weekly group runs on Friday mornings, meeting at 9:45 at B'nai Israel, 6301 Montrose Road in Rockville. Strollers are welcome! Participants will receive a comprehensive training calendar including suggested strength training and cross-training. As with all of our programs, all runners get personalized coaching support from certified, experienced and accomplished coaches and information on running-related topics such as stretching, strength training, injury prevention, nutrition, gear, and race day preparation. Participants also get a discounted entry to Jeremy's Run and a Run Farther and Faster discount on gear from

Cost for the 6-week comprehensive program is just $50- less than $10 a week and the best bargain in town! Register by selecting "Spring 5K Friday a.m. Program" from drop-down menu in sidebar to the right. Please contact us with questions or for more information.

** If you can't make it on Friday mornings but are interested in training for a 5K this spring, we are also offering an 8-week Wednesday morning program, meeting from 9-10 a.m. in Rockville. Click here for more information!

Monday, February 13, 2012

Cold Hands...Warm Hearts!

Heike Yates, of HeyLifeTraining, LLC, worked the 10K/10-Miler runners to the core after today's group run!

Our strong and fearless 10K/10 Miler runners ventured out to run in 20 degree temperatures, and single-digit wind chills, along the Capital Crescent Trail in Bethesda bright and early yesterday morning. After the first mile, all of the runners were warm, chatting, and running strong, in spite of the gusty winds. After running between 3 and 7 miles depending on their goal race and current level of base mileage, the runners all agreed that yesterday's run was a lot easier than anticipated! With the right winter running gear, cold weather running is not only possible, but it's enjoyable, too. A perfect example of the lesson that the hardest step is that first one out the door!

Following our run, the group enjoyed a Pilates for Runners class at Core Studios, which was taught by our favorite Pilates instructor, Heike Yates, of HeylifeTraining, LLC. Her knowledge of the connection between core strength and efficient, injury-free running is invaluable, and her enthusiasm is contagious! Thank you, Heike, for once again providing our runners with a terrific class and some sore abs!

Sunday, February 5, 2012

Spring 10K/10-Miler Program Kicks Off to a GREAT Start!

Rachel Miller of ProAction Physical Therapy speaks to 10K/10-Miler runners after today's group run

Of course, it was inevitable-- after weeks of Spring-like, mild weather, we had snow flurries forecast for the first morning of our "Spring" 10K/10-Miler Program! But a few stray flakes (and some colder temperatures) didn't deter our enthusiastic runners from showing up bright and early with smiles on their faces, ready to take the first steps towards their goal races in April! With a full roster of 40 runners, this is our largest program to date and we were so excited to get things started!

Following brief introductions and a review of the fundamentals of running, coaches and runners set off en masse along the Millennium Trail in Rockville for distances from 2.5 miles through 6.5 miles depending on goal race and current level of base mileage. After the run the group enjoyed post-race bagels and a chance to hear from our favorite Physical Therapist, Rachel Miller of ProAction Physical Therapy. Rachel has extensive experience with runners (including as Medical Director of several large races) and is an avid runner herself. Rachel reviewed important steps to preventing injury, injury treatment, and training tips, and answered individual runner questions covering a host of topics. We think starting the program with Rachel's presentation is the perfect way to help our runners get to the finish line of their goal races successfully and healthy.

Next week we welcome another favorite Run Farther & Faster resource, Heike Yates of HeyLife Training, who will lead a Pilates for Runners class for our runners following our group run. Core strength is so important to efficient, injury free running, and Pilates is one of the most effective ways of strengthening the core. We feel so fortunate to have so many professionals supporting our runners!

We were energized by the enthusiasm of all of our runners and are so excited to get to know everyone over the course of the next 12 weeks. And, of course, we're looking looking forward to helping our runners Run Farther & Faster!