Friday, March 30, 2012

Sunday, March 4, 2012

Going the Distance

Lee Firestone, DPM, speaks to RFF 10K/10-Miler Program runners about common injuries of the foot and ankle

It was another beautiful, albeit somewhat chilly, morning for our Spring 10K/10-Miler program's weekly group run. We warmed up quickly as the sun came out and groups ran 4, 6 and 10 miles. Special kudos to our 10-miler runners for finishing the 10-mile (hilly!) route strong today- you now have proof that you are going to be more than ready to tackle the Cherry Blossom course in four weeks!

Following the run, we welcomed top local podiatrist Lee Firestone, DPM, of DC Foot and Ankle. Dr. Firestone, himself an outstanding and accomplished distance runner, reviewed some of the more common running injuries of the foot and ankle, including plantar fasciitis, stress fractures, achilles tendonitis (and tendonosis, or degeneration of the tendon) and neuromas. Dr. Firestone candidly discussed his own recent running-related injury and emphasized the importance of listening to our bodies and allowing a few days or rest and recovery at the first sign of injury before seeking professional advice if the pain does not go away. We learned about the importance of proper footwear, modest increases in mileage and core strength in preventing injury, as well as the first signs and symptoms that there may be an impending injury.

Thanks to Dr. Firestone, we all have a better understanding of how to take care of our feet and ankles so that they can carry us through race day and beyond!

Spring Corporate Programs

Coach Julie talks to employees about a Run Farther & Faster Spring Training Program

As Spring approaches, we kicked off the first of several corporate training programs this week. We love having the opportunity to help employers improve the health and well being of their employees through a group running program! We've seen firsthand the benefits to companies: improved employee morale, a sense of workplace camaraderie and, of course, a healthier workforce. A workplace running program makes getting fit accessible to employees and gives them a built-in support system to help them continue to reap the benefits of being active.

The past week we held Open House kick-off sessions at MedImmune and NIH. At MedImmune, we were joined by friends and respected experts in biomechanics of running Rachel Miller, PT, OCS and Ken Fleit, MPT, both of ProAction Physical Therapy. Rachel and Ken performed gait assessments on MedImmune employees during the Open House, giving them feedback on their running form, including any weaknesses and suggestions for improving those weaknesses.

Run Farther & Faster kicks off NIH's commitment to making running accessible to all employees

This week we head to Montgomery College, where we will work with the school's Wellness Coordinator and HR Department to offer a Beginner 5K program to MC faculty and staff, with the goal of completing Jeremy's Run 5K on Memorial Day together as a team. We have several other corporate programs in store for this Spring, as well- it's exciting to see the idea of workplace running programs catching on and employers supporting these programs! If you are interested in finding out how to implement a program at work, contact us for more information!