Sunday, February 5, 2012

Spring 10K/10-Miler Program Kicks Off to a GREAT Start!

Rachel Miller of ProAction Physical Therapy speaks to 10K/10-Miler runners after today's group run

Of course, it was inevitable-- after weeks of Spring-like, mild weather, we had snow flurries forecast for the first morning of our "Spring" 10K/10-Miler Program! But a few stray flakes (and some colder temperatures) didn't deter our enthusiastic runners from showing up bright and early with smiles on their faces, ready to take the first steps towards their goal races in April! With a full roster of 40 runners, this is our largest program to date and we were so excited to get things started!

Following brief introductions and a review of the fundamentals of running, coaches and runners set off en masse along the Millennium Trail in Rockville for distances from 2.5 miles through 6.5 miles depending on goal race and current level of base mileage. After the run the group enjoyed post-race bagels and a chance to hear from our favorite Physical Therapist, Rachel Miller of ProAction Physical Therapy. Rachel has extensive experience with runners (including as Medical Director of several large races) and is an avid runner herself. Rachel reviewed important steps to preventing injury, injury treatment, and training tips, and answered individual runner questions covering a host of topics. We think starting the program with Rachel's presentation is the perfect way to help our runners get to the finish line of their goal races successfully and healthy.

Next week we welcome another favorite Run Farther & Faster resource, Heike Yates of HeyLife Training, who will lead a Pilates for Runners class for our runners following our group run. Core strength is so important to efficient, injury free running, and Pilates is one of the most effective ways of strengthening the core. We feel so fortunate to have so many professionals supporting our runners!

We were energized by the enthusiasm of all of our runners and are so excited to get to know everyone over the course of the next 12 weeks. And, of course, we're looking looking forward to helping our runners Run Farther & Faster!

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